TFIB #12. International Day of Peace bookmark in Deschooling Society (Illich)

TFIB #58. Handwritten note in Psychic Healing. Using the Tools of a Medium to Cure Whatever Ails You (Browne)

TFIB #46. Spectacle cleaning cloth in Designer Genes (Hannigan)

TFIB #19. Flu vaccine flyer in Kerry. Too Much Too Young. My Story of Love, Survival and Celebrity (Katona)

TFIB #45. Instruction sheet in Ordinary Thunderstorms (Boyd)

TFIB #4. Magazine cutting (obverse) in Cindy Sherman. Photographic Work 1975 – 1995 (Sherman)

TFIB #6. Colouring sheet in Perspective as Symbolic Form (Panofsky)

TFIB #33. Two photographs in The Art of Interruption. Realism, Photography and the Everyday (Roberts)

TFIB #27. Handwritten card in End of Days. Predictions and Prophesies About the End of the World (Browne)

TFIB #42. Plant stem fragment in The Book of Genesis (Crumb)

TFIB #28. Club flyer in Class of 88. The True Acid House Experience (Anthony)

TFIB #36. Newspaper fragment in A Cabinet of Roman Curiosities (McKeown)

TFIB #64. In-flight menu in Did You Hear Me Crying. The moving story of 45 years of sexual, physical and emotional abuse (Moore)

TFIB #52. Modelling balloon in Best Laid Plans (Larkin)

TFIB #51. Used tissue in The Mayan Prophesies. Unlocking the secrets of a lost civilization (Gilbert and Cottrell)

TFIB #68. Handwriting on card in Gone with the Windsors (Graham)

TFIB #63. Handwritten note in Armageddon in Retrospect (Vonnegut)

TFIB #21. Photograph in A Picture of Britain (Dimbleby)

TFIB #38. Handwritten note in Leadership Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (Sharma)

TFIB #70. Event flyer in Eat Pray Love. One Woman’s Search for Everything (Gilbert)